IFTTT can Help you Automate Web Tasks


I recently came across a service called IFTTT that can help you automate certain tasks on the web. This is done by connecting channels together through a formula “if This Then That”.

For example, you can set “if I leave my office then text my wife” or “if I publish a blog post then post to my FaceBook profile”.

There are hundreds of possibilities with the 106 channels available in IFTTT.

I am sure that you know at least a dozen of these channels if you are an Internet marketer and that you see the potential of this free service. You can also explore the other channels and find new ways to promote your business automatically.

Creating an automatic task for the web is called a “Recipe” in IFTTT. This “Recipe” contains a“Trigger”, an “Action” and “Ingredients” that you can set-up easily.

See my detailed tutorial: How to Automate your Social Media Marketing

Examples of IFTTT Recipes

There is also a collection of Recipes created by others that you can use for yourself. You can share your own recipes too.

Have fun with IFTTT.

Michel Gerard

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