Why People Fail – Les Brown


Why People Fail:

I have been reading books, listening to audio and watching videos of Bob Proctor and Harv Eker in the last few months and it has helped me to achieve a few goals. As I have mostly searched for information about how to succeed, today I came across a video by Les Brown about “Why People Fail”. I’d like to share the video with you.

High-octane speaker Les Brown advises to stop playing it safe and start creating what’s truly possible in life by stretching yourself, taking risks and surrounding yourself with positive, nourishing people.

Discover the key to greatness through powerful and inspiring insights on how to: Raise the bar and commit to higher goals; Recognize negative people and detoxify them from your life; Challenge yourself and put your fear of failure to rest; Stay hungry and make “no” your daily vitamin.

Why People Fail

We all have goals that we would like to achieve and as we progress in life we tend not to see the realization of these goals. Achieving goals take dedication, commitment, some risks and a strong will to make things happen. Succeeding in business takes patience, focus and daily action to progress toward the goal.

Why people fail: Most people fail in life not because they hit to high and miss, but because they aim to low. They also fail because at some point they quit before they see success.

Michel Gerard

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