Jerry Banfield is Deleting 5 Million YouTube Views!


Would you like to learn why Jerry Banfield is deleting 5 million views on his YouTube channel and see it in real time because you might wonder where these videos have gone?

Jerry Banfield is Deleting 5 Million YouTube Views!

No, Jerry Banfield has not become insane when he decided to delete lots of his YouTube video tutorials for a total of 5 million views and 100,000 likes because I’m sure it takes a lot of thinking and courage to do so.

Jerry Banfield is Deleting 5 Million YouTube Views!

In today’s video Jerry Banfield explains why he made the decision to delete all his video tutorials on hacking and cybersecurity and he does it in real time.

YouTube has recently updated its “Harmful or Dangerous Content Policy” and it includes “Showing users how to bypass secure computer systems or steal credentials and personal data.

It doesn’t matter if the videos are black hat hacking or white-hat hacking, also called ethical hacking. While the intention is to train viewers into becoming ethical hackers for the sake of protecting computer systems for corporations and small businesses, in YouTube’s mind these videos can also be used to train people with bad intentions to hack into computer systems.

When you train people in cybersecurity, you have to show how to bypass secure computer systems or steal credentials and personal data to protect computer systems against it.

YouTube even says: “Please note this is not a complete list.”

This means that if YouTube decides that such or such hacking tutorial is harmful, they can be put down, and even worse, the YouTube channel could be banned.

That’s a huge risk and we understand why Jerry took this decision to delete all of his hacking tutorial videos.

You can’t even have the videos set to private and Jerry says:

It seems the only thing I can do to be certain that there can’t be any issues is to delete these videos. Because from YouTube’s point of view of private video, I could set it public anytime. From a policy enforcement point of view from YouTube, I imagine only a deleted video is something that they wouldn’t care about.

So now, thanks to YouTube, you won’t be able to be trained in cybersecurity and ethical hacking for free on YouTube.

Hopefully, there is a place where you can continue watching these deleted videos.

Where can you now watch the Ethical Hacking videos?

If you have been watching the ethical hacking tutorials on YouTube and want to continue them, or just want to start learning ethical hacking and cybersecurity, you can now go to Uthena and purchase the Ethical Hacking Forever Course Bundle.

Jerry Banfield is Deleting 5 Million YouTube Views!

The bundle contains 30 courses and as it is a “forever bundle,” more courses will be added to it indefinitely.

It is a one-time cost of $48.81 to purchase this bundle and learn all that you need to know to successfully become an ethical hacker or cybersecurity professional.

Yes, you may say that before it was mostly free on YouTube, but as you understand there are now video hosting costs and operating costs to make these awesome ethical courses available for you. This is without talking of the production cost of making these courses, which is $40,000 on Jerry’s part and I estimate another $20,000 for the other instructors combined.

Purchasing this bundle is worth it and if you try to get an ethical hacking education in any specialized institute, then you will see what it costs.

You can purchase the Ethical Hacking Forever Course Bundle today and lock this low price or wait that it contains 100 courses and costs more, your choice.

Without any more talking, I invite you to watch the “Deleting 5 Million YouTube Views” video right now, and I will see you in the comment section on YouTube!

Deleting 5 Million YouTube Views

Deleting 5 Million YouTube Views

Published on Jul 15, 2019

After years of building hacking tutorials on my channel which have been widely successful, YouTube has labeled instructional hacking videos as “harmful or dangerous content.” In this video, I remove the videos which have over 5 million views and discuss why I’m doing this. Please visit the links below if you’re interested in watching any of these banned instructional videos.

You may also be interested to read this post: Would you Like to Learn How to Time Travel?

I hope that this post is useful for you and I will see you in the hacking course bundle on Uthena: Ethical Hacking Forever Course Bundle

Michel Gerard

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Michel Gerard's courses are on Uthena!

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