A baby dies for lack of room in the maternity Port-Royal in Paris


Maternity Port-Royal:

As I am a French expatriate living in Thailand I like to listen to podcasts of the French radio RTL (Radio France Luxembourg). This enables me to stay in touch with my country and be informed of the latest news.

Maternity Port-Royal

Yesterday, I heard the sad news of a mother losing her baby because of a lack of beds and possibly staff in the Paris maternity Port-Royal she had been going during her pregnancy. When she arrived at the hospital, she was informed that there were no delivery room available and she was sent back home! The baby died later on.

How the hell can this happen in a civilized country like France?

This kind of news really makes me ashamed of my own country… a country where all citizens are entitled to almost free medical care under the Medical Social Security benefits. This would be understandable in an underdeveloped country, but France!!!

Maternity Port-Royal

C’est censé être le plus beau jour dans la vie d’une famille, mais ce jour a viré au drame pour un couple parisien. La maternité Port-Royal à Paris n’a pas pu recevoir la femme enceinte à la date prévue de l’accouchement, faute de place, et la maman a perdu vendredi l’enfant qu’elle portait. Elle et son compagnon mettent en cause la maternité, et ont décidé de porter plainte.

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Translation: This is supposed to be the happiest day in the life of a family, but that day turned to tragedy for a Parisian couple. Maternity Port-Royal in Paris could not receive the pregnant woman at the expected date of childbirth, lack of space, and the mother lost her unborn child this Friday. She and her companion have filled a complaint against the maternity.

Other Resource: Un bébé meurt faute de place à la maternité Port-Royal de Paris

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