Would you like to learn how to time travel because if you do, then the YouTube video in this post will be very useful for you? If you are wondering if time travel is real, maybe this post, the YouTube video, and the Uthena course that goes with it will show you that it is. … Read More →
http://youtu.be/xur2Skj33LM Do you believe in paranormal activity, demons and angry spirits? This documentary will freak you out… The two stories, one of a demon possessing a young woman and then the exorcist herself; and the other the spirit of a hard catholic mother not approving of her daughter’s being gay… Enjoy!
http://youtu.be/qFVU6lmeUdM?list=PL6l6gfia5ZoFG7kCfLm2iLGQLaUUjtRAy Today is Sunday and I have a serious cold, which prevents me for doing much work and forces me to stay on the coach and enjoy, between two naps, some entertainment. “Psychic Kids Children of the Paranormal” is a show I like to watch as I believe there are people with these special gifts. This … Read More →
Real Paranormal Videos – Ghost Hunting: I just came across the Youtube channel of a guy who calls himself the “Dead Explorer”. It triggered my curiosity and interest and as I watched a couple of videos I can’t resist sharing them with you. On all episodes in the channel a group of paranormal investigators go … Read More →