Do you have a Lack of Motivation to Start your Online Business?


Lack of Motivation – I Will Start my Online Business Later…

I just had a conversation with a friend of mine who has asked me a while back how I make money online. We went that day for lunch together where I explained to him the different ways it could be done and I suggested a particular way. I also sent him by email more information, an audio training, as well as a link to a series of free video training.

My friend followed up with me today to ask how the business was going. I thought he was not interested, but apparently he still is. As we talk, I learn that he hasn’t gone through the video training and hasn’t listened to the audio. He said that he wanted to give it a go, but it was not the right time and had a lack of motivation.

I’d like to point out that I am not trying to sell him my business opportunity because I do not need to recruit friends or family like other traditional network deal. I do not need to pick-up the phone ever. The power of the Internet does it all.

This is the main problem of people wanting to make money online. They have a lack of motivationand do not have the will to do what it takes to succeed. Making money online looks nice to most people, but if you are in your comfort zone, which means a steady job with a daily routine, just enough money to pay the bills, this is hard for you to break the habit and make the effort to start a business. I have been there.

In the contrary, people who want it badly because they hate their job, hate their boss, are covered in debt, have their car repossessed and the house in foreclosure‚ have enough reasons to seek other options and the will and motivation to go through learning and building a business.

I hope you will make the right decision before you are broke!

How To Overcome Your Lack Of Motivation

Now, how can you motivate yourself?

I found this very interesting blog post on the subject of how to overcome lack of motivation.

Motivation plays an important role in one’s overall development. But many of us miss it just because we are not aware of it. Let’s find out what we can do to overcome a lack of motivation.

1. Just do a little bit. Whatever it is that you’re not motivated to do, like hitting the gym, playing the violin, or mowing the lawn, make yourself do just a tiny bit to make the task seem less intimidating.

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I hope you enjoyed this post on how to delete your lack of motivation and I am looking forward seeing you in my team.

Michel Gerard

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