Does Article Marketing Still Work?


In this video Matt Cutts, head of the Webspam team at Google, answers a question about article marketing. Article marketing used to be a great method to build back-links to your site, but as more and more low quality articles have spread on the Internet for many years, the method is now doubtful. Does article marketing still work?

Personally I have abandonned the method a couple of years ago, even if I was publishing quality articles on quality article directories llike Ezine article. With no SEO benefits using this method, only getting this source of traffic was left. The traffic obtained by this method is not worth the time writing articles for directories anymore, in my opinion.

Does article marketing still work? Matt Cutts answers:

Question: Links from relevant content in article directories — Seen as good or bad? eg. I link my beauty website from a cosmetic surgery article on say, Ezine? Would you do that?” Deepika, India.

Published on Jan 29, 2014 on GoogleWebmasterHelp Youtube channel

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Michel Gerard

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