Famous Motivational Speeches by Will Smith


Famous Motivational Speeches:

I was looking on the Internet for some famous motivational speeches when I came across a collection of speeches by actor Will Smith providing some excellent motivational advice on achieving your goals in life:

Will Smith – Ultimate Motivational Speeches

Will Smith: I have a great time with my life, and I want to share it.

The motivation behind the man:

Will Smith: I love living, I think that’s infectious. It’s something you can’t fake!

Greatness exists in all of us:

Will Smith: Greatness is not this wonderful esoteric, illusive god like feature that only the special among us will ever taste. It’s something that truly exists in all of us. It’s very simple. This is what I believe and I am willing to die for it.

Famous Motivational Speeches

Running and reading – Will Smith The Keys To Life

This is one of the best Famous Motivational Speeches by Will Smith.

I want to say something that I want you to remember for the rest of your life. I want you to listen closely. I am giving you the key to life right now. This is the key to life. The key to life is running and reading…

The Pursuit Of HappYness – Most inspirational scene

I hope you enjoyed these videos about Famous Motivational Speeches by Will Smith.

Michel Gerard

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