Four Magic Phrases to Improve your Communication Skills


In this training video, you will learn the four magic power phrases that you can use to respond to anything. This can help you to overcome embarrassing or annoying questions from rude people. The temptation would be to respond back with anger, but there is a better option.

This is very simple just say:

– That’s interesting… tell me more.
– That’s interesting… why would you say that?
– That’s interesting… why would you do that?
– That’s interesting… why would you ask that?

This would generally get you out of trouble when dealing with difficult people.

4 Magic Phrases You Can Use to Respond to ANYTHING

Online Communication Skills Training Videos with Dan O’Connor and Power Diversity

Communication skills training: Magic power phrases for work and for home. Respond to anything people say to you. Learn how to respond to difficult people and respond to difficult questions. Funny communication training video. Free Audio, Video, and more! Communication skills at work and dealing with difficult people are the topic of the day during this live training seminar.

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Michel Gerard

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