Happy Birthday Christina!


Happy Birthday Christina – 3 years old:

Today is my daughter’s birthday, she just turned 3 years old. Time is flying and after she was born life has not been the same since. I can’t imagine what life would be without her. I guess you can relay to this if you are a parent.

So today, I want to say: “Happy Birthday Christina!”

Happy Birthday Christina

Three years ago, the evening before she was born, it was raining heavily. I remember spending 3 hours in Bangkok’s heavy traffic on my way to the hospital. It was not a long distance, just 5 or 7 kilometers. Hopefully, my wife had already checked in a couple of days before.

My mother in law was staying in the Hospital room with her and as I couldn’t stay in the room too for the night, I slept in the car, in the parking lot, in front of the Hospital. I was then ready early morning for the happy event.

Happy Birthday Christina: Photos

Happy Birthday Christina

Christina receiving her birthday gift.


Christina and her birthday cake.

Happy Birthday Christina

Christina playing with smarties


Christina discovering her new alphabet.

Once again, Happy Birthday Christina!

Michel Gerard

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