How to Install the New Facebook Pixel on WordPress Easily


If you are using Facebook to send traffic to a WordPress website, you need the new Facebook pixel. The first 25 people who use this link can enroll for free in my class:

How to Install the New Facebook Pixel on WordPress Easily

Installing the new Facebook pixel can be very confusing for people who have already used the old Facebook pixel, prior to June 2016 and to people who have never used it. If you are running Facebook ads to send traffic to your WordPress website, not installing the pixel is not an option.

Using the Facebook pixel can help Facebook to optimize your campaign and help you reduce your cost. You will be able to see what is working and what is not working and apply the necessary changes to your Facebook campaigns.

All you need to know is explained in this class.

An Online Skillshare Class by Michel Gerard

About This Class

In this class you will learn what the new Facebook pixel is, how to use it and why using it. You will then learn how to easily install the Facebook pixel on a WordPress blog using a recommended free plugin in order to build an audience for remarketing, optimize your Facebook ads and track conversions.

You will understand how the Facebook pixel works and how to use different events like View Content, Lead and Registration.

How to Install the New Facebook Pixel on WordPress Easily

There are 13 lessons in this class for a total running tim of 47 minutes:

1. Introduction (1:05)
2. New Facebook pixel explained (4:33)
3. Where to get your pixel in the Facebook Ad Manager? (4:46)
4. What WordPress plugin to use? Installing the pixel in the whole website (6:02)
5. Installing the View Content pixel event on a single page (3:42)
6. Installing the View Content pixel event using the page editor (2:34)
7. Installing the Lead pixel event (3:15)
8. Installing the Purchase pixel event (4:31)
9. Excluding some specific pages and posts (1:53)
10. Verifying that the pixel is correctly installed (5:28)
11. Showing the pixel’s results in the Ad Manager (6:58)
12. Simple class project (1:40)
13. Congratulations! (0:18)

Enroll Now!

I hope you will enjoy this class.

Michel Gerard

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