Make Money Online Blogging with Michel Gerard


Make Money Online Blogging:

There are many ways that people can make money online: niche sites, blogs, coupon sites, Adsense, etc… But there are 3 essential components that are needed in order to develop a full time Internet income.

These 3 essential elements that all top marketers agree on are:

– a blog
– an auto-responder
– a capture page

The first element is a blog and we are going to talk about this today. How can you make money online blogging?

Well, in order to make sales of any product you are selling, may you be an affiliate or owner of the product, you need a presence on the Internet. A regular website or sales page is not enough to make this happen as they generate very little organic traffic.

In the contrary, a blog that is regularly updated will bring more visitors over time and will rank higher in search engines. It is how you can make money online blogging. If you look at the top Internet marketers, they all have blogs. Well-known companies also have blogs. So, if you want to build a presence on the Internet, you need a blog too!

You do not need any kind of blog, certainly not a free blog on or Don’t take me wrong, these platforms are great for people who like to blog as a hobby, but as they get very little traffic and low ranking, there is little chance to make any money with them.

Make Money Online Blogging

What you need, if you want a turnkey blogging system that will rank your posts higher in search engines, has an excellent rank in Alexa at the time of writing, and brings you organic traffic, leads and sales to any product you wish is this one: Buy it now for only $37 per month

ILN dashboard2

You can make money online blogging only if you take action, of course. Fresh and interesting content has to be posted on the blog preferably daily. As the number of posts increases, the traffic increases, the number of leads increases and the number of sales increases. That’s a number game. Something that you can’t do with a regular website.

Now, what do you have to blog about? This depends on what you are selling. If you are a sportsman or woman, I believe you will have the inspiration to write interesting sport blog posts. And if you are selling sport equipment or clothes, you are likely on your way to success.

If you decide to buy this awesome blog system I am blogging on, you can blog about anything you wish to share with the world. Every visitor is remotely interested in making some additional income to pay their bills, and they may be interested in what you have to offer. It is how you can bring people to the door.

Starting to make money online blogging is the solution to your money problems, I can guide you, it’s proven to work: See Video here

By the way, this is my 61th blog post today!

Michel Gerard

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