Share Videos and Make Money with UVioO


Share Videos with UVioO

The other day I had someone commenting a FaceBook post I had on my wall with a motivational video by Steve Jobs. I was very intrigued because usually people do not comment with videos. I watch the video on UVioO of course, as I like Steve Jobs‘ motivational speeches. As I discover the site I learn that I can make money when I share videos.

The person who posted the comment “Mariana” did that very intelligently. She saw my post about my “Positive Affirmation of the Day” and commented with a video related to positive thinking. By doing this, she earned money by sharing the video, by me and other people viewing the video, by me registering for a free UVioO account and finally by me upgrading to the 10 days trial for a Pro account.

There are even more ways than the four I gave above to earn money with UVioO and it is brilliant. How much do you earn when you share Youtube videos on FaceBook? Nothing, nada, nichts, rien du tout… Share the same Youtube videos via UVioO and you earn a commission that can be paid to you thanks to the advertisers of the site.

Get your Free UVioO account here.

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Michel Gerard

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