Sunday Motivational Video


From Struggle Comes Success – Motivational Video:

This is Sunday and tomorrow most of the people on this earth will go to their boring jobs… they need motivation! It is alright to have a job, not everyone can be an entrepreneur, but the most important is to do a job you love. In this motivational video is the story of Josef Azam a successful CEO who went from struggle to success.

Motivational Video

From Struggle Comes Success -- Inspirational Video

Published on Dec 6, 2012
From baggage handler to successful CEO in only 5 years, Josef Azam talks about the key to success. By sharing his motivational story, Josef proves that ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things.

Remember that your past does not equal your future. This motivational video is a good example of someone who once was poor and became wealthy. If you have a dream and take action to achieve your goals, at what ever age in your life, you can succeed. You have to be dedicated and persistent. Others can do it so you can.

motivational video

I hope you enjoyed this motivational video.

Have a nice Sunday!

Michel Gerard

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