Tag Archives: Books

Six Mindset & Self-Development Books I Recommend

If you are an entrepreneur like I am who wants to improve in life and business, you must read books that will help you get the proper mindset to achieve your goals. In the last past year and a half I have read 24 mindset & self-development books that have helped me progress in my Read More →

Time Vampires are Out to Suck You Dry

I am reading now a book entitled “No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs” by Dan Kennedy that I recommend to any entrepreneur wanting to manage his time better. This is a fact that in a day’s work we always waste our time in a way or in another because we are not well-organized, not focused, Read More →

Membership Sites ~ Get Paid Online for your Expertise

More than a year ago, I started to look into membership sites and I even started to create several pages for it. Unfortunately, I never launched it as I pursued other online ventures. After reading a blog post, I decided to revive the project, which I called “IM Study Club“. Membership Sites ~ Get Paid Read More →

What is Brian Tracy Reading?

http://youtu.be/zvI5CAlQIJ4 People are always asking Brian Tracy about the books that he has been reading. He reads not only a lot of books but he reads a lot of book excerpts and summaries, and not only that, he also reads reviews of books that contain the very best ideas. Brian Tracy’s Book Recommendations Source: Brian Read More →

Live the Internet Lifestyle

There are still nowadays people that do not see the opportunity to make a living online and live the Internet lifestyle. This is not their fault as no one has been taught in school that there are other possibilities than to get a job. I remember when I was in high school 35 years ago, Read More →