Tag Archives: Goals

Sunday Motivational Video

From Struggle Comes Success – Motivational Video: This is Sunday and tomorrow most of the people on this earth will go to their boring jobs… they need motivation! It is alright to have a job, not everyone can be an entrepreneur, but the most important is to do a job you love. In this motivational Read More →

Motivational speech by Tony Robbins

Motivational speech – Tony Robbins: If you have the project to change something in your life, may this be your personal or your professional life, you need motivation. It is difficult to have a friend or a family member available to motivate you all the time, so the solution is to listen or watch a Read More →

Do you Have Thoughts on Success?

Thoughts on Success vs Thoughts on Failure: Having thoughts on success in your life can really help you achieve your goals and be successful. In the contrary thoughts on failure, will just prevent you from succeeding and drag you down. We all have had both successes and failures in our lives, but the future does Read More →

Have you been hypnotized in your Childhood?

Hypnotized without knowing it! During your childhood, you have certainly been hypnotized in one way or another like all of us. Being hypnotized does not mean you were manipulated against your will, but means that you have been planted a belief that stopped you to excel in a certain field. Beliefs were put in you Read More →

How to Achieve your Life Goals

Never quit on your dreams and achieve your life goals: Most people do not succeed in life because they quit on their dreams too soon. For everything you want to do in life there is a learning curve, and persistence together with practice lead to successfully achieving your life goals. When you learn how to Read More →