In today’s “Happier People Podcast,” Jerry Banfield talks about how to produce more and work less. Do you think that working more will help you produce more? If so, then I encourage you to read this post. This is podcast #188 and if you’d like to listen to more podcasts go to Would You Like … Read More → A motivational video for all of you who have dreams, but unfortunately are going back to the cubicle on Monday! Everything is possible, if you have a passion, a project, a dream… work towards achieving your goals everyday. Motivational videos or audios can give you a really good boost to help you keep going. … Read More → Today, I came across this beautifully edited motivational video. Featured speakers in this video are Les Brown, T.D. Jakes, Eric Thomas, Steve Jobs, Kai Greene, Liam Neeson and Jim Rohn. We all need to be motivated everyday and this video is one of the best. Source: Quotogenic Youtube Channel Enjoy! We are all lazy at times to progress towards our goals. Motivation is on of the key to avoid laziness. In this video Emil Ihsan-Alexander Torabi explains how you can overcome laziness in four simple steps. As human beings we have a limited amount of willpower and there’s only so much force that we … Read More →