Tag Archives: Success

Six Mindset & Self-Development Books I Recommend

If you are an entrepreneur like I am who wants to improve in life and business, you must read books that will help you get the proper mindset to achieve your goals. In the last past year and a half I have read 24 mindset & self-development books that have helped me progress in my Read More →

Do you Lack Self-Confidence?

Lack of self-confidence is what prevents you from moving forward and achieve your dreams.Fear prevents you from developing your self-confidence and this has to be fixed if you want to advance in life. Very successful people have one thing in common and that is self-confidence. Hopefully, there is a scientific method that can help you Read More →

Use the Power of Association to your Benefit

You can’t avoid being changed and resemble the people you are in contact with everyday. This is a fact. If you hang out with friends that drink and get drunk, you’ll become like them. If you are in contact with co-workers who complain all the time, you’ll become like them. If you are broke and Read More →

How is your Business Why different from your Personal Why?

In order to have massive success in business, you need to have a “Why”. If you don’t, you will just be wandering around not having the real success that you deserve. What is a why? A why is the reason you want to be in business. You may have a regular job right now, or Read More →

Seven Success Factors to Help you Become a Sales Superstar!

http://youtu.be/a6RujkUN1xU There are seven success factors that are practiced by all of the highest-paid salespeople. Application of these principles everyday will virtually guarantee your progress to the top in your field, enable you to achieve your career and financial goals. Seven Success Factors to Help you Become a Sales Superstar! Watch Brian Tracy’s video and Read More →