Tag Archives: Success

Success is One Connection Away

You may have heard in Internet Marketing circles that “Success is one connection away”. Does that mean that you need to know people like in the corporate world if you want to succeed? photo credit: opensourceway via photopin cc When I started online, I was alone. I tried to figure out by myself what works and what Read More →

How to Love your Job…

http://youtu.be/_bkVZ1kD8Xo Everyday you are forced to go to a job that you hate, forced to work with colleagues who have a bad attitude and execute orders of a boss you despise. How the people at work can be changed so you love your job? They can’t be changed… only YOU can change. How to Love Read More →

Zig Ziglar – You Were Born to Win

http://youtu.be/VSZgawlbYRI As I was surfing Youtube for a video to share with you I came across this Zig Ziglar video where he teaches that you were Born to Win: “You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.” A few other famous Zig Ziglar quotes: Read More →

Does Article Marketing Still Work?

http://youtu.be/Bo75Og4M34Q In this video Matt Cutts, head of the Webspam team at Google, answers a question about article marketing. Article marketing used to be a great method to build back-links to your site, but as more and more low quality articles have spread on the Internet for many years, the method is now doubtful. Does article Read More →

What is the State of SEO in 2014?

http://youtu.be/QXEocgFNhjk SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the science of optimizing a website or blog for better ranking in search engines. There have been lots of changes these past few years about SEO technics and what used to work is not anymore, or it is being detrimental. So, what is the state of SEO in 2014? Read More →