Tsū ~ The Newest Free Social Media Site


Tsū is the newest Free Social Media site. It looks like FaceBook, but it’s not FaceBook. You can post text, images or links… make friends and follow users. The difference is that Tsū shares up to 90% of revenues with its users.  It is Free to join, but you have to be invited to become a member.

Tsū ~ A Very Active Community

This is how a profile looks like. See my Profile.


In 48 hours I got 69 Friends and 51 followers just by sending  some Friend requests and following others. The community on Tsū (pronounced ‘Sue’) is very active, I haven’t seen that on FaceBook.

Tsū Founder Sebastian Sobczak ~ Fox Business Interview


How is Tsū different?

This is what they say from their FAQ Page:

1. Ownership – We believe in real ownership, which only exists when users own the rights to their content and the economics that come with it. Users should be compensated for their likeness, image and content. It’s simple and it’s the right thing to do.

2. Access – We share social revenues with everyone, for any type of content, size of network or level of influence. Using tsū requires nothing more than what you already do on other social media platforms today.

3. Empowerment – Our model is global, scalable, and designed to empower the user. For the first time every user can be a content creator earning royalties in perpetuity.

I can’t comment on the financial aspect of this new social media site as I have been in for only two days. I do not think you can make enough to quit your jobs, but just by being active in Tsū you may be able to pay some of your bills. The advantage I see with Tsū right now is a good platform, fun to use, to network with other people.

Don’t worry, if you miss FaceBook… you can send your Tsū posts to your FaceBook wall and your twitter automatically.

Join Tsū before it becomes too crowded.

Tsū  is an invite-only community, as a reader of this blog this is yours:

Tsū invitation

Read my other post about Tsū >> Social Media tsunami: A Beginner’s Guide To tsu

Michel Gerard

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