Schedule your FaceBook Posts and Free your Time.


If you are promoting your business opportunity on FaceBook, you know that you have to entertain your friends everyday. You basically are awake for 16 hours and you should post at regular intervals, say every hour, so your friends get a chance to see your updates. This is particularly not easy to do when you want to cover the other 8 hours while you are sleeping.

There is a possibility to schedule your FaceBook posts on a page using the FB scheduling feature, but using an application will be of great benefit. I wrote a tutorial about a new tool I am using and I think it will help you in your marketing.

The tool is PostCron.

How to Schedule Facebook and Twitter Posts with PostCron

With PosCron, you can schedule on your FaceBook profile and pages for 5 social accounts free. They have a paid version, which gives you 15 social accounts and unlimited pending posts for a very affordable fee.

Schedule your FaceBook Posts and Free your Time with PostCron now


Want to learn more about Facebook Marketing and Facebook Ads?

Take the Facebook course or read the book.

Facebook Facebook Marketing and Advertising in 2016

Michel Gerard

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